[Today’s Japanese word “April Fool” ]

Today's Japanese word "April Fool"

Today’s Japanese word “April Fool”.
April 1 has been called “April Fool”.
This day is “the easy lie day”, it has been popular all over the world.
Of course, a lot of Japanese people or companies also enjoy the April Fool’s Day.
For example, such as the always honest newspaper writes the article of the parody in April 1.
By the way, when is the origin of April Fool’s Day in Japan?
It has some origin.
In general, it is said to have begun in Taisho era.

April Fool’s Day in Japan was handed down in Edo era.
At the time, it was said to be “ungrateful Day”. Rather than the day of the lie, it seems to have been “day of the writing a letter to convey the recent”.
It was the day to apologize for the ungrateful by a letter.
April Fool’s Day in Edo era is different from “the easy lie day”.
In those days, lie was very sinful.

As of now, it seems from the Taisho era, became the “the easy lie day” ..
How is it?

Of course the lie is not good. But, once a year April Fools’Day, let’s enjoy a lie!

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