Today’s Japanese food is “Eho-maki”.
“Eho-maki” (lucky direction roll) is one of the sushi that is rolled with “nori” (laver).
Originally, in Japan, there is a traditional custom that eating the “Futo-maki” (large roll sushi) while thinking about your wish, on February 3 (“Setsubun”).
There is also a rule to eat the “Eho-maki” as to make your dream come true. According to the custom, one looks in the lucky direction of the year (according to the Chinese zodiac) with closed eyes and must eat it silently.
An annual lucky direction is decided and we eat for south-southeast in 2016.
By the way, “Eho” means the direction of the good luck. Therefore before one knows, “Futo-maki” came to be called “Eho-maki” in this season.
“Eho-maki” is sold in convenience stores or supermarkets on February 3 (“Setsubun”).
Please challenge “Eho-maki” if you come to Japan by chance on February 3!

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