Today’s Japanese word “Omikuji” (fortunetelling written on a piece of paper).
“Omikuji” is a Japanese fortunetelling written on a piece of paper.
That tells your fortune and gives an advice for your future.
“Omikuji” is in Japanese Shinto shrines or Buddhist temples.
About “Omikuji”, we pay money and take one “Omikuji” paper out of the box. You get the paper, it tells your fortune. The price of it is usually 100 yen or 200 yen. There is also an “Omikuji” which is included an amulet.
By the way, the fortunetelling of “Omikuji” has some ranks.
大吉(”Dai-kichi”) … Excellent luck.
中吉(”Chuu-kichi”) … Fair luck.
小吉(”Shou-kichi”) … A little luck.
吉(”Kichi”) … Good luck.
末吉(”Sue-kichi”) … Uncertain luck.
凶(”Kyou”) … Bad luck.
大凶(”Daikyou”) … Terrible luck.
You can go out the “Omikuji” paper as an amulet.
But some people tie in the “Omikuji” when it is bad fortunetelling. Therefore, the place where the “Omikuji” is linked is prepared at shrines and temples.
Recently, there are “Omikuji” written in various languages.

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