[ Today’s Japanese word “Kotatsu” ]

"Kotatsu" is the location of the hearthstone of the family.

Today’s Japanese word is “Kotatsu” (Japanese foot warmer).

“Kotatsu” is one of the most common heaters appliances in Japan.
Children, adults and animals also love it!♥

By the way, do you know the “kotatsu”?

What is “kotatsu”?
・It is used in winter.
・It is a table about 40-50cm in height.
・The heat source (an electric heater) is attached to the underside of the table.
・”kotatu-buton” (a kotatsu coverlet) is used over the “Kotatsu”. It keep the heat.
・Put the top plate on top of the “kotatsu”.

The inside of the “kotatsu” warms, sit and put your feet in the “kotatsu”.
You will get warmer and warmer from the feet.
In the “kotatsu”, you can eat, or talk, or play game or reading something.
Sometimes children do their homework there.
“Kotatsu” is the location of the hearthstone of the family.

These days, there is the tavern to enjoy in “kotatsu”. So you can try the “kotatsu”!

Japanese love the “kotatsu”!!♥

Cats feel so good in "kotatsu"!  In the "the kotatsu", you are eat, or talk, or play game or reading something.

