Today, we inform to you about Sakura (cherry blossom) flowering forecast in 2017.
If you have a plan to see Sakura in this year, we are glad if you refer to this information.
The condition of Sakura in this year is in the below.
1) Kyusyu region
Flowering is slightly later than usual.
Fukuoka: flowering 3/24, full bloom 4/4
2) Kansai region
Flowering is slightly earlier than usual.
Osaka: flowering 3/29, full bloom 4/5
3) Kanto region
Flowering is as per every year.
Tokyo: flowering 3/25, full bloom 4/1
4) Tohoku region
Flowering is slightly earlier than usual.
Sendai: flowering 4/9, full bloom 4/13
These date of Sakura flowering may change.
About 7~10 days from the above day, Sakura will be in full bloom.
And we will introduce you some famous spots of Sakura in Kanto region.
Stay tuned!

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