[“Joya-no-kane” (New Year bells)]


“Bonsho” is large bells found in Buddhist temples in Japan. It is used to summon the monks to prayer and to demarcate periods of time. It is struck using either a handheld mallet suspended on ropes.

The bells are usually made from bronze. The sound of “Bonsho” is the low tone and deep resonance. The sound is carried over great distances.

On New Year’s Eve, people queue to ring the temple bells 108 times in a ceremony known as “Joya-no-kane” (New Year bells). It is said that the 108 peals of the bell symbolize the casting away of 108 earthly desires. So we hear the this sounds, you can begin the new year feeling refreshed.

"Bonsho" is struck using either a handheld mallet suspended on ropes.  On New Year's Eve, you can begin the new year feeling refreshed.

