Where do you go to buy the tools of cooking, if you want to buy?
Shopping mall? Online shopping?
Today, I introduce “Kappabashi-Dougu-gai” is said to be the best tool street in Japan.
Especially, kitchen fixtures and cooking tools are almost sold and you can buy anything. In addition, you can buy the kitchen knives made by Japanese craftsman. Professional cook come to buy many kitchen tool, in this street. But in Sundays and public holidays, most shops are closed.
The food sample is sold here. It is unique things in Japan. It is lifelike, and this is amazed!! You can also experience the production of food samples.
In October, “Kappabashi tool Festival” will be hold.
In this festival, the discount sale is done in most shops. In addition, the food for business purpose is sold. And there is also the “taiko” (Japanese drum) performance by local school students.
It is very fun “street”!
[ Information ] “Kappabashi-Dougu-gai”■Open:
9:00 ~ 17:00 (store business hours / except for the part of the some store).
※Monday to Friday, it is open approximately storewide.
※Store open at Saturday is about 90%, Sundays and public holidays is about 30% .
“Nishiasakusa – Matsugaya area”, Taito-ku, Tokyo
■TEL: +81- 3-3844-1225 (Tokyo Kappabashi shopping street promotion association)
■URL: http://www.kappabashi.or.jp/index.html
5-minute walking from Tokyo Metro Ginza Line “Tawaramachi station”.

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