[Today’s Japanese Food : “Kazunoko” (Herring Roe)]

"Kazunoko" (Herring Roe)

Today’s Japanese food is “Kazunoko”. It is called herring roe in English. Since there are lots of eggs, Japanese cook and put in “Osechi” (New Year dishes) to pray for healthy children and prosperity of descendents.
“Kazunoko” has been said to be auspicious. “Kazunoko” is yellow in color and you can see all the small eggs gathered together. It feels like popping small balloons in your mouth when you eat “Kazunoko”. It tastes a bit salty.

“Osechi” is presented in different layers of boxes. There are 3 or 4 layers in common, and herring roe is presented in the first layer.

When cooking “Kazunoko”, we have to remove the salt after purchasing it. This procedure is called “Shio Nuki” (salt removal). First, you place “Kazunoko” into salted water for 6 hours. Next, remove the thin skin on the “Kazunoko”. Then, put the “Kazunoko” into new salted water again and wait for about 6 hours. Finally, season the herring roe using soy sauce, Japanese soup stock, sweet sake, and sake.

There are the most common ingredients that are used when cooking Japanese food. Just cook the “Kazunoko” for 5 minutes, and then wait for it to cool down. In Japan, people say that seasoning is done the best while cooling down the food down.

"Kazunoko" is mainly used for sushi item.  "Kazunoko" is presented in the first layer of "Osechi".

