Do you know “Tougei” (ceramic art)?
A kind of Japanese bowl is “Touki” (pottery) made from clay.
“Tougei” is a technic to make Touki. It is making a shape with clay, and is baking in high temperature.
Today I introduce one of “Tougei” class in Omotesando, Tokyo.
In this class, you can make the own chopstick-rest. And after about 3 hours, you can take home it.
It takes about 60 minutes per 1 class, but the time of class is different by the class.
And when you make ceramic art, you wear the dedicated costume.
You don’t need to worry about, they have some classes including for foreign country people.
It seems to be the special experience and memories in Japan for you. And you can bring myself it for the souvenir!
But if you want to try it you have to reserve a class by the day before.
I recommend you check information on the website and phone call.
■Open: each class start at 10:00 / 13:00 / 15:00 / 17:00
■Holiday: irregular
■Address: 〒150-0001
1st floor, 4-6-2, Jinguu-mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.
■TEL: +81-3-4616-2105
■Access: nearest station is “Omotesando” station.
About 3 minutes walking from Tokyo metro “Omotesando” station.

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