Today’s Japanese word “Hachijyuu-Hachiya” (the 88th day from “Risshun”).
“Hachijyuu-Hachiya” is in the Japanese traditional calendar, the eighty-eighth days after the “Risshun”.
This day is May 1, May 2 or May 3.
“Hachiju-Hachiya” is the day of the turning point from spring to summer, the day of the preparation for the summer. This day has been a good day auspicious.
A warm and stable climate are the best time to agricultural planting.
But, those season have suddenly low temperature which is wary of giving the damage to the agricultural crops.
By the way, in this period, tea picking will be prosperous .
Especially, tea was harvested on the day of “Hachiju-Hachiya”. We prize as a new tea of the lucky charm of perpetual youth and longevity from a old time.
Moreover, tea of this time is the finest quality.
Climate is one of the important Japanese culture.
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