It became February.
February of Japan is the coldest month of the year.
In cold area, school has consecutive holidays called “kanchu-kyugyo” (Midwinter holidays).
In February, it is best season for playing snow in one year.
In snowy areas, the “Snow Festival” is held.
In Sapporo city, Hokkaido, “Snow Festival” is large scale and very famous.
Many tourists visit to see the snow sculptures.
In the field of sport, playing skiing and snowboarding is best season!
I like playing the sled.
The entrance exam of university and high school is also a peak.
Therefore, students study with attention to health.
TV and newspaper report a lot of news of influenza and a cold.
The big event of February is two events.
1st, on February 3, the “Setsubun”.
Have you read article of “Setsubun”?
2nd, on February 14, the st Valentine’s Day.
In Japan, st Valentine’s Day is very important event.
Anyone from adults to a children, we looking forward to st Valentine’s Day.
Let’s enjoy in February!

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