[ Travel information about Kyushu area ]

On April 14th 2016 and April 16th 2016, a strong earthquake occurred in the Kumamoto and Kyushu area.

Because of this earthquake, the transportation in Kumamoto area (airport, trains and highways) is NOT running.

* Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kagoshima, Saga and Miyazaki is almost situation normal.
And all the other airports in Kyushu (except Kumamoto) are in operation.

If you are going to the Kumamoto and Kyushu area, please be careful of information.
You can get the new information in the below URL .

<JNTO:Japan National Tourism Organization>

And great thanks to your support!!

Kumamoto Earthquake
On April 14th, 2016 at 9:26 pm (Local Time), a strong earthquake (Magnitude 6.5) occurred in the Kumamoto area of Kyushu.

