Do you know the shop called “Don Quijote”?
“Don Quijote” is the comprehensive discount store that represents Japan.
This store’s overwhelming inexpensiveness and entertainment are very popular.
“Don Quijote” in Asakusa has put a lot of souvenirs of Japan, because many tourists come from all over the world to Asakusa.
In particular, this shop has the souvenirs of Halal food for Muslims.
There are Japanese tea, dried noodles such as “udon”, “ramen”, “So-men” (fine white noodles), and so on.
It is Japanese traditional foods.
In addition, in the sweets, there is also “Gaufrette” of green tea taste (”Matcha”) or another taste.
This is very yummy.
There is also the dry foods with halal display, for example, dried Dates and dried Chickpea and so on.
Please go with them who are looking for the souvenirs for Muslim.
24 hours a day
No regular holiday
2-10 Asakusa,Taito-ku ,Tokyo
■TEL: +81-3-5826-2511
5-minute walk Subway Ginza line “Tawara-machi Station ”
3-minute walk Tsukuba Express line “Asakusa Station”

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