In Komagane City, Nagano Prefecture, there is a very old temple.
The temple name is “Kozenji” temple.
“Kozenji” temple began the in 860 AD.
This temple is surrounded by the trees of cedar of several hundred years old.
And also in the Nagano Prefecture, it is one of the great temple.
By the way, there is a legend of the Holy dog “HayaTaro” from old days in this temple.
About 700 years ago, this temple had kept very strong Japanese wolf called “HayaTaro”.
At that time, in Fuchu (now Iwata city in Shizuoka Prefecture), there was a festival to give the girl to the sacrifice of God every year.
In this festival, evil God(a monster) had eaten a girl.
The monster was very afraid of “HayaTaro”.
So, “HayaTaro” brought with a monk, “HayaTaro” exterminated a monster successfully.
From this fact, HayaTaro has been enshrined as the Holy Dog.
In this year, there is the exhibiting a Buddhist’s image once in seven years.
In this time, you can see the Buddha which have been usually put away. It’s so amazing!
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[ Information ] “Kozenji” temple■Open:
8:00 ~ 17:00
Each information office, as well as, amulet awarded plant is : 9:00 ~ 16:30.(In winter, the end 16:00)
※ There is change due to weather.
No regular holiday
29 Akaho, Komagane city, Nagano Pref.
■TEL: +81-265-83-2736
By car: About 10 min. from “Komagane” Inter Change of Chuo Express way.

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