This is an animation of the “Mame-maki” in “Setsubun”. As a yearly event, a “Mam…
[ Enjoying power of the winter Nature! “Onouchi-Hyakkei-Hyouchu” @ Saitama ]
The world of a sheet of ice spreads out before our eyes when we pass through the winter mountain path. This ic…
[ Today’s Japanese food: “Hina-arare” ]
Today’s Japanese food is “Hina-arare”. “Hina-arare” (colored ball rice puff) are…
[Japanese word “Hina-Matsuri”]
Today’s Japanese word is “Hina-Matsuri”. March 3th is the “Hina-Matsuri”. “…
[Try making your original Japanese Buddhism praying beads “Jyuzu”]
You can make “Jyuzu” in Kyoto! “Jyuzu” is Japanese Buddhism praying beads. Almost of B…
[ Today’s “Wagashi” (traditional Japanese sweet): “Sakura-mochi”]
I would like to start a new corner introducing about the “Wagashi” (traditional Japanese sweet) fr…
[“Neko-no-hi”(the day of the cat) in Japan]
Today, 22 February is “Neko-no-hi” (the day of the cat) in Japan. Why we call today “Neko-no…
[ Let’s go to “Usagi cafe” @Asakusa / Tokyo ]
I think there are some people who had heard a “Neko (cat) cafe”. But do you know that there is a &…
[ Today’s Japanese food: “Ume-boshi” ]
“Ume-boshi” (pickled plum) is the food which “Ume” is dried in the sun after preserved…
[Japanese word: “Ume”]
Today’s Japanese word is “Ume” (plum). “Ume” is very familiar in Japan. We like …
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