Today’s Japanese word “Tsurushi-bina”. “Tsurushi-bina” is hanging small dolls ma…
[ “Kimono” experience @ Asakusa / Tokyo ]
If you are searching for special Japanese experience, including the combination of such scenic views in the mo…
[Today’s Japanese word “Kabuki”]
Today’s Japanese word is “kabuki” (Japanese classical drama). The other day, “Kabuki-z…
[Special movie : Tokyo Marathon @ Tokyo]
Today’s video is “Tokyo Marathon 2017” which was held last Sunday. “Tokyo marathonR…
[Special movie : Real “Ninja” @ Ueno Park / Tokyo]
Today’s special movie is “Real Ninja”. In November, “Real Ninja” appeared at Uen…
[“Tetsugakuno-michi” Promenade of Philosophy in autumn / Kyoto]
Many Japanese love “Sanpo” as walking slowly and feeling atmosphere, enjoying landscapes. In autum…
[“Marugoto Nippon” @Asakusa / Tokyo]
Since Asakusa is a flashback into vivid culture of Edo era, “Marugoto Nippon” (a shopping mall) gi…
[Today’s Japanese word “Sagichou”]
Today’s Japanese word “sagichou” (Bonfire of the New Year’s decorations). “Sagic…
[Today’s Japanese word “Kaki-zome” ]
Today’s Japanese word is “kaki-zome” (New Year’s writing). “kaki-zome” is …
[ “Sennyu-ji” temple in popular as tombs of Japanese Emperor families / Kyoto]
Sennyu-ji temple is one of the most famous temple in Kyoto. Because you feel the unique culture and traditions…
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