[Today’s Japanese word “shakyo” ]

The modern "shakyo" is to trace the printed characters in the copybook.

Today’s Japanese word is “shakyo” (Sutra copying).

The “shakyo” is to transcribe the scriptures in Buddhism. In Buddhism, it is possible to gain condignity by reading the sutra. And there is a further condignity by transcribing.

The history of “shakyo” is old. It is said that “shakyo” began in AD 673.
“Syakyo” was carried out to spread Buddhism in the times when a print technology did not develop.
Buddhism in Japan was very prosperity in Nara era. Therefore, “Sutras” has flourished. And “shakyo” as the national project was performed by professional sutras people.
It was needed for a lot of monks to lectures and study about Buddhism.

Now, “Shakyo” is secretly a boom.
The modern “shakyo” is to trace the printed characters in the copybook.
Of course, it uses “Fude” (a writing brush) with “sumi” (ink).

In some temples, we can experience “shakyo”.
According to some temples, after you have finished “shakyo”, you can eat “shoujin-ryoriu” (the vegetarian cooking).
By the “shakyo”, relieve stress, and hone the power of concentration and perseverance.

Do you try it?

"Shakyo" stamp card  In some temples, we can experience "shakyo". When you have finished "Shakyo", can eat "shoujin-ryori" (the vegetarian cooking).

